
What if there was a treatment that can make you look refreshed and tighten your skin without any needles, without surgery and with absolutely no down time. It almost sounds too good to be true!

Pelleve is a nonsurgical treatment that can give you a refreshed look and tighten your skin without needles and is pain free. And it actually works!

Pelleve is a Radiofrequency treatment that feels like a hot massage. A full face treatment takes about 45 minutes. You may require 3-4 treatments and results can last up to 2 years.

Pelleve can be used to tighten the entire face and neck or can be used on specific areas.  Pelleve works great to tighten the skin around the eyes and crow’s feet, bothersome creases and wrinkles around the lips including smoker’s lines and jaw line.

Call us today at 212-486-2720 for a consultation

Nima P. Patel M.D. FACS Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

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