Jeuveau, also known as #NEWTOX is a purified form of botulinum toxin that has been shown to temporarily improve the appearance of moderate to sevre frown lines. Jeuveau can be combined with other non-surgical procedures in the office such as Fillers, Pelleve, and AquaClean to give you a refreshed, rejuvenated look.
During your consultation, Dr. Patel will discuss with you the best options and combinations of treatments to give you a refreshed, yet natural look. Jeuveau treatments take 15-20 minutes and are done in the office. There is no real downtime. It takes about 2-3 days before seeing the effects of Jeuveau so if you have an event coming up, plan to come in for your consultation a few days before.
Call us today to schedule your treatment: 212-486-2720
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